Here's Greg from today on his way to get a CT scan.

- Brian
This is Day 3 following Greg's Whipple procedure. Gradually the number of tubes supplanting or providing support for various life-sustaining systems are being removed, as Greg begins the slow transition to his newly structured body. Gone is the oxygen tube, the dreaded catheter, and various other lines into vacant spaces remaining on his arms.
He is very tired and sleeps a lot. By far the most uncomfortable aspect -- other than the surgical site itself-- is the NG tube, which snakes through his nose, down the back of his throat and into the stomach. The purpose is to remove any secretions that are naturally generated by the stomach, even in the total absence of any food or liquid. The tube irritates the back of his throat and vocal cords, making it painful and difficult to speak. Normally the tube is scheduled for removal on Day 4, but it depends on when the production of secretions slows sufficiently that the body can deal with absorbing them naturally. Once the tube is removed, he can begin with small sips of clear liquids, increasing the quantity and variety of clear liquids slowly each day. Needless to say, we are hoping the tube can come out on schedule, tomorrow.
We are waiting for someone from the anesthesiology team to come by to evaluate whether this is "normal" discomfort or something more. Last night, Greg was running a bit of a fever, always a concern for immuno-compromised bodies, so they are watching that, as well as redness which has shown up around one side of the sutures. Blood tests do not seem to indicate the presence of any infection, thank heavens.
Keeping his lungs clear is difficult, as coughing is painful. He is supposed to use the spirometer 10 breaths every hour, but he is not keeping up with this, since it is painful to do. Needless to say, my nagging is ineffective.
What he is doing well is walking. Yesterday he managed two corridors, today he totaled four. He is supposed to "ambulate" twice today, so perhaps he can do this when He receives his first real visitors (other than myself, one from Brian and one from sister Margo). Andrew and family are arriving from Vermont later this afternoon. I will entertain kids outside somehow while they get to see Dad. Even Bridget has yet to visit the post-surgical patient. Since he rests/sleeps so much of the day, and talking is painful and difficult, it is still best to keep visits to family only. Once that tube is removed, I hope he begins to rally and feel a bit better.
This is not the start of the week we had planned...everyone took this next week as vacation so we could all spend time together on Cow Island. Brian arranged to have his house scraped and painted during his time away...I believe the boys, their families and dogs are going to go to the island after tomorrow morning's visit, to salvage some family time. I will stay in Boston with Greg.
I will definitely let you know when he can speak comfortably on the phone, and when it is appropriate to have visitors. Meanwhile, thanks again for all your good thoughts. I hope I do not go into too many gory details (believe me, I am leaving some out), but I do find many aspects of this complicated medical venture very interesting.
Shall we say how grateful we are that we have medical insurance? Especially as this is not the result of bad behavior or poor life style choices?
As we were warned, this will be a long recovery.
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